Things I like beginning with J:
1. John - my dad. :)
2. James - my eldest nephew.
3. Jimmy Page - guitar hero numero uno.
4. Jack Sparrow - sexiest pirate ever.
5. Jordan, Robert - author of the Wheel of Time series. I just wish he'd hurry up with #12, the last book.
6. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - I've lost count of how many times I've read Lord of the Rings. Love it to death.
7. Johnnie Walker - unfortunately, I can only ever afford the red label.
8. Jacuzzi - haven't got one but I sure would like one.
9. Jamming - on the geetar. Don't do it often enough these days.
10. John Lennon - another hero. A life cut tragically short. I often wonder how he would have approached the Iraq debacle and whether he'd have made a difference. I like to think he would have.
11. Joy Division - great band. Another life cut short. :(
12. Just Like Heaven - a Cure track I'm hoping to hear live very soon!!!!
13. Janet/Percy/Mrs Jack - Likes Led Zep, Tolkien, Pirates so how could you go wrong?. Lotsa fun! :)
ten things tuesday
10 hours ago
omg, thank you for making me lucky #13!!!
You know...I almost burst into tears when that first chord of It's Been A Hard Day's Night sounded at Love...and hearing John's and George's voices, laughing, so alive...ahhhh, man, ahhhh man.
I should have put you in at #3 seeing as there's 3 of you. :)
I would've cried too. Big sooks that we are.
sooks . . . rhymes with chooks?
My J's.
Jeff, my brother.
Jeff, my friend who passed nine years ago.
Josh Groban.
Jacks . . . the old game.
I think I made 13
Yes to sooks and chooks.
Jungles? I can just see you thrashing away through the undergrowth, camera in hand, orange hat on top.
absolutely with the orange hat! and instead of a machete, I'd carry me loppers.
However, I want to change Jaguar to the one right in front of me that I was too sleepy to see . . .
aww shucks :)
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