Sunday, June 07, 2009

Saturday Photo Hunt

This week's theme is "advetisement". Here's the local butcher in Seville advertising his wares....

It's a team effort now., originally uploaded by jsarcadia.


♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

nice one!
My Photohunt Ads here.

Rach said...

rotflmao! that's brilliant :-)

srp said...

I am not really sure how to handle... er... well, this is a butcher with a sense of humor... I hope... and do you see that sign in the background? What is that... pet mince... mince FOR pets, hopefully not mince FROM pets...
My hunt is up here.

Mariposa said...

Good one. I guess this butcher knows what to hang. LOL Happy PhotoHunt!

Mine is -> Mariposa's PhotoHunt"

The Queen Bee said...

Nice entry. Mine's up too. Happy weekend.

Janet said...

hahahaha I remember that picture!