Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Biography section is all organised now as well. Woohoo, we're on a roll.
But, the hard part is still to come - the History and Politics sections. They are in absolute chaos. There is no rhyme or reason to the way they've been shelved. we're going to have to take all the books off the shelves and start again from scratch. As you can see, there's not a lot of room to move in here.

PS. It's not quite as dark in here as the pic makes out.


Shirl said...

Wow! That is a LOT of books.

Our used bookstore here in town is all muddled up. I think Randy needs to see a picture of how things COULD look!

and what is Mills and Boon?

Julie said...

Mills and Boon are a publishing compant that specialises in little romance books.

Julie said...

that should read 'company'

Shirl said...

and they really are Harlequin over here? I wonder why the difference in names?