Saturday, May 19, 2007

My clock

Looking at Janet's blog earlier and she does this Create a Connection thing where you post a photo to fit the week's theme. This week is useful things around the house that you love. I had a think about it and decided that this clock is my most loved household "thing". It's not particularly useful because the batteries are dead and I haven't bothered to replace them. But, as far as sentimental value goes, this clock is priceless as far as I'm concerned. It used to live on the wall in the classroom I taught in. When my homegroup found out I was leaving they pulled it off the wall and wrote all over it, then presented it to me. (I did get official permission to keep it!)
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Janet said...

That's priceless...really!

meowminx said...

That is so cool!


Julie said...

Thank you both - it's kinda special.

Diane and Jack said...

OMG...Julie, that brought tears to my eyes.

I didn't know you were a teacher. *smiles*