Saturday, July 21, 2007

Friday fill in

1. Ma'n'Pa makes me remember my childhood.
2. I like to use garlic when I cook.
3. Alliance Distribution Services really pisses me off. Bastards, Bastards, Bastards!
4. I've been thinking about the injustice of it all lately.
5. The last song I heard that I liked was gee, I hear lots of great stuff on RRR but who knows what they're called?
6. Camping by starlight.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to someone else cooking, tomorrow my plans include dinner at Ma'n'Pa's for Dad's birthday and Sunday, I want to celebrate a Saints win! (Ha!)

From The Paranoid One


Janet said...

*snort* love my new name! What's Ma'n'Pa's?

Julie said...

Mum and Dad's

Diane and Jack said...

fresh garlic or powder?

and Number 6 is the best!!

Julie said...

Fresh, definitely fresh.