Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Clare

My baby sister turns something or other today.
Family dinner last night in honour (and for brother Pete's b'day last week). I'm happy to say I made it through the weekend smoke-free. Nephew James has given up too (again). It was the first smoke-free family gathering in forever.


Maribeth said...

All I can say is Happy Birthday Clare and...
Wonderful! No smoke!!!

Julie said...

Yeah, I'm quite pleased. :)

Janet said...

Congratulations on making it through smoke-free!!! That's amazingly awesome :-)

and Happy Birthday to Clare :-)

Shirl said...

oh man!! You are doing just awesome!!! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the birthday wishes
forty-three today: hurrah! now I get to enjoy the unlimited wisdom gained by having been 42 for a year :D Clare