I took the pic on the left of someone (Bilbo) reading the first page of chapter 1. Janet took the pic on the right of someone (also Bilbo) reading the book to show the cover.
Don't know about you, but I think this is just so cool. The match up of the photographs is pretty damn good if you ask me. Janet saw my pic and set hers up to match. I think she did an excellent job! I thought last week's match up was tops but this one is even better.
I'm excited by this project!!
I'm even more excited because I now have internet access at home. Woohoo!
That is sooo cool!
They really do match so well!
Funny...LOTR2 is on tv tonight on one channel; HP1 is on another channel. Guess which one I'm watching?
I know that I'd watch LOTR2.
Two excellent shots! Can I just say, seasons, you guys, seasons. Did anyone else notice?
Did anyone else notice what?
Oh hang on, the seasons in the pics are different because the locations are on opposite sides of the world.
Which is kind of the whole point of it.
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