Monday, April 07, 2008

Nick Cave

Nick Cave, originally uploaded by jsarcadia.

April 6th 2008. A Conversation With Nick Cave. He answered questions from the MC and from the audience, about his music, his muse, fame, family, his writings, all sorts of things. It was fascinating. Very funny at times too. He, along with Mick Harvey, sang four songs, including The Ship Song - one of my all time favourites. Beautiful song. He saw me taking the photo - I'm not sure if this look is disapproving or just an attempt at a cheesy grin.


Shirl said...

you are such a sly photographer, getting that picture!

Julie said...

Nothing sly about it :) Just stood in front of him. With that whopping great camera I can't be missed :)

Literary Feline said...

I am glad you had a good time, Julie, as well as managed to get a photo while there.

Julie said...

It was an excellent afternoon. I think you would have been interested to hear his thoughts on the writing process. Interesting.