Monday, September 15, 2008

E.T. Phone Home.......

So, my first 365 days project has finished. Today is day 365. 365 photos of a phone - well, three phones actually seeing as I lost THE Phone with only 15 days to go. That was a major disaster. The positive side to that is that I now have a phone which actually works properly as a phone. So it wasn't all bad I guess. Still, I would have preferred to finish the project with the original. Nevermind.

The first of 365 photos:
One phone/365 days. Day 1

And the last:

E.T. Phone Home......., originally uploaded by jsarcadia.


Shadow said...

did you take a photo of a phone every day for a year? or did you take a picture with your phone every day...

Julie said...

Of the phone. The full set is here if you're interested....

Janet said...

Well done, my friend, well done!

Shirl said...

now what is your next 365 project going to be?