Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday Fill-ins

1. The days getting longer and warmer are some of the things I'm most looking forward to in October.

2. Sometimes I wish I'd made different choices.

3. Jimmy Page is still playing and that's why there is a saying, "never say never"!

4. When I'm down, I tend to drink too much.

5. MJ Arcadia Bookshop is where you'll find me most often.

6. A rainy day is good for reading.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to not much, tomorrow my plans include work and then I'll probably watch the Grand Final, even though I don't care about either of the teams and Sunday, I want to take it as it comes!


Janet said...

dude, i'm with you on #2!!!

michelle said...

Longer and warmer days? I am jealous here the opposite is happening. I love the header you have on your blog!

T.Allen said...

I'm a first timer for Friday Fill-Ins...your Jimmy Page comment made me laugh! Thanks for sharing!

Shadow said...

hey! i'm with you on no. 1. i am so very ready for summer...

Bellezza said...

I'm so with you on #4, and I'd love to be able to spend most of my time in a bookshop!

SmilingSally said...

I choose reading for #6 too Happy Friday!

Linda said...

I so agree with #6. Also good for napping.

~Swankymama said...

Oh yes #6!! Very good!

Happy Friday! I hope you stop by to say hi!


Jerralea said...

I see we put the same thing for number 6. Rainy days were made for reading!

Melli said...

LOL! If I were in AUSTRALIA I would be welcoming October too!!! As it is, I'm fighting it!

Have a GREAT weekend -- I hope whatever comes is GOOD!

Kwizgiver said...

We've got a match on # 6.

Have a great weekend!

Literary Feline said...

I'm with you on #2, Julie. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I'm about to head out the door for an evening at the theater. Thank goodness it's still light out so I can read in the car. It's about an hour and a half drive there and my husband's driving sometimes drives me batty.