Monday, October 06, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Insight :: perception

  2. Irksome :: annoying

  3. Maybe :: perhaps

  4. Confirmation :: affirmation

  5. Bib :: -s and bobs

  6. Stop! :: No!

  7. Lobster :: Yum!

  8. Boys :: Don't Cry

  9. Fire away :: but aim somewhere other than at me.

  10. Give up :: surrender

from here


Shirl said...

no matches, but I enjoy your mutters!

Janet said...

# Insight :: cute care by Honda

# Irksome :: oh so many things

# Maybe :: a word that will be on my gravestone

# Confirmation :: order

# Bib :: overalls, so hot on a man!

# Stop! :: in the naaaaaaaaame of love

# Lobster :: delicious!

# Boys :: are fun

# Fire away :: pirate speak

# Give up :: never!

Shirl said...

i like the overalls answer!