Monday, December 01, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Sleepy :: tired

  2. Thanksgiving :: not celebrated here

  3. Fifteen :: Georgia

  4. Authority :: power

  5. Bangs :: the drum

  6. Curled :: hair

  7. Young man :: lad

  8. Surprised :: startled

  9. Mistake :: oops

  10. Handle it :: and handle it well

from here


Shirl said...

i do believe we have a match today!

Janet said...

# Sleepy :: time

# Thanksgiving :: missed

# Fifteen :: an interesting year, to be sure

# Authority :: meh

# Bangs :: just trimmed 'em myself

# Curled :: hair

# Young man :: just wait til your father comes home!

# Surprised :: boo!

# Mistake :: oops

# Handle it :: will do!