Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday fill in

1. On a hot summer's day ice is my favorite thing!
2. When I think of summertime fun, I think of the beach, the ocean, the waves.
3. Vanilla is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
4. My new favorite drink is water, straight from the tap.
5. One of my happiest summertime memories is motorcyclin'. The wind, the sound, the speed, the power!
6. The best place to watch fireworks (or submarine races) is submarine races?? Fireworks - watching from the banks of the Torrens River in Adelaide on Australia Day night!
7. What are you doing this weekend? Tonight I'm looking forward to dunno yet, might be on a promise, might not, tomorrow my plans include that depends on tonight! and Sunday, I want to rearrange furniture in my bedroom!

from she who has deleted Percy


Diane and Jack said...

Do you rearrange often?

I used to - was just curious. ;)

We agree on number two.

Julie said...

Almost never, but I just got a set of chests of drawers and they need to be somewhere other than in the middle of the room!

Janet said...

Oh, I thought you meant you'd be rearranging the furniture figuratively ;-)

Watching submarines races is a euphemism for making out ;-)

Julie said...

One I've never heard before. The answer I've already given will still do..... memories.....