The smaller one is what's left of the original house. It burnt down - faulty alarm clock was the cause I think. Ken, Laurie's dad, lives in there now. He doesn't get on with the youngsters all that well so it's better that he's not in the main house too often! Rather than rebuild, Laurie decided to start from scratch and built the "castle" - about 15 years ago now.
PS The dead looking thing in front of the main house is a magnolia - beautiful when it's in flower.
It is so weird that you just posted this because I was really thinking of asking about "what happened" but I thought it might not be appropriate because of the lost.
So where is the older section compared to the new?
From where I was standing to take the main house shot - turn right 45 degrees and there it is. Kind've sits in front of the right hand side of the house there. But there's plenty of space between them. My fairy village is in that section. :)
It does look like you have a nice stretch of land there.
You have a very nice place and Laurie did a beautiful job. ;)
I'll tell him that. :)
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