Saturday, August 18, 2007


Many aspects of human sexuality are very puzzling. Take celibacy. This can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by environmental factors.
While attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend, Robert and Mary listened to the instructor declare: "It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other."
He addressed the men. "Can you each name and describe your wife's favourite flower?"
Robert leaned over, touched Mary's arm gently and whispered, "Self-raising, isn't it?"
Thus began Robert's life of celibacy.


Shirl said...

Thanks for the Friday morning chuckle!!!!

Janet said...

see, i'd laugh if a husband of mine said, that...

Diane and Jack said...

That took me a minute but...

funny. :)

Julie said...

Dunno if I'd laugh - probably an elbow in the ribs first. :)