Tuesday, December 25, 2007

And so this is Christmas....

....and what have I done?
Bugger all really.
Three things stand out for me this year.
1. The Cure. August 12th, probably definitely the best night of the year. Outstanding music and show. Three hours of sheer bliss. Hopefully next year will bring the mighty Zeppelin to our shores. One can only hope.
2. Discovering digital photography and flickr. To say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. I love it! I think I've got a little bit better at it over the year. I've learned most from flickr and from seeing the wonderful work by all sorts of people from all over the world. The object/365 days project (Phone in all his glory) has introduced mt to some great people and kept me well entertained.
3. The people you meet. I've known Shirl for a long time, via the 'net, and it's been great to renew that friendship. I've met lots of new people along the way and am thankful to have done so. Most notably: Janet, Diane, Sheryl, Susan and Susan.
There've been a few tears along the way but mostly it's been a lot of fun. Love you all!
I'm outta here for a week or so. Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. (And Happy Birthday to Shirl in case I'm not back in time.) Have fun and stay safe.
Catch ya later,

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Shirl said...


oh have a super holiday, Julie, and hurry back. And you've been so much fun to watch on flickr . . . Fast learning curve!!!

I'll miss ya!

Julie said...

Ha, it'll only be a week Shirl :)
*hugs* back

Janet said...

I see phone tied one on...literally! Love you, too! Enjoy your time off, and I'll be waiting [im]patiently for your return!

Julie said...

He better have left me some!
Patience is a virtue dearie, so get some :)

Sudeaux Lux said...

I hope you have a grand old time during your holidays. Then come home and fill us in on all the juicy details!

Beautiful tree. And photos.

Diane and Jack said...

is the week over yet?
miss ya, hope you are enjoying the time away.
(hugs) we are glad we met you too. :))