Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Fill-ins

1. Follow the yellow brick road.
2. My camera is something I always take with me on vacation.
3. To achieve your goals, you must have a goal you want to achieve in the first place.
4. I am a failure as a business manager is something I'd like you to know about me.
5. I have a mounting feeling of panic.
6. Driftwood floats.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to working out with the boss what we're going to do with all these book. Actually, I'm not looking forward to that, but it has to be done., tomorrow my plans include selling as many books as possible and Sunday, I want to do the same again!


Mary said...

You are NOT a failure! It's the times Julie.

(what would Jimmy do?)

Janet said...

What Mary said.

Julie said...

Jimmy would probably open a bottle of Jack Daniels and drink it in one go.
Hmmm, maybe not a bad idea....

Shadow said...

understandibly, you're not too happy. doesn't mean you failed though. who knows what's waiting up the road for you...

Kwizgiver said...

I hope you sell a bunch of books this weekend!

Literary Feline said...

I once forgot to bring a camera on vacation and ended up having to buy one of those disposable cameras. I never forgot my camera again.

Unknown said...

Well, I hope you're going to have a nice weekend to look back on, after all.

Feel welcome to visit my fill ins ::here::.

Have a great weekend!

Shirl said...

Come on, kiddo! The shop was having trouble when you took over, and the recent downturns can't have helped. It will all work out . . . really!!!