1. When I turn the key in this it's goodbye to work for the day.
2. Sunset - farewell to another day.
3. Spring is here - goodbye to Winter!
4. Off on a trip - see ya later, alligator.
Your Life Path Number is 3 |
![]() Your purpose in life is to express your unique self. You are a creative and artistic person (no I'm not) with an interesting view on life. Witty and outgoing, you enjoy sharing your crazy ideas with anyone who will listen. A total social butterfly, you're the life of any party. (definitely not me) In love, you inspire and enchant your partner. You are often an object of fantasy and desire. (hahaha I wish) While you are very talented, you sometimes lack the ambition to put your talents in play. (I'd have thought lack of talent rather than ambition) And while your wit carries you a long way, you occasionally use it to mask your true feelings. (well they got one right) Your natural abilities can bring you all the success in the world ... if you let them |
The wattle is out. This is our national floral emblem. Gives lots of people bad hayfever. Not me though. The flowers are a pest if you brush past them, they stick to everything.
The UK part of the trip - Liverpool and London. This one is a beach near Liverpool, on The Mersey River. That's a statue, not a person. It's sinking into the sand.
The Switzerland part of the trip - photos up on flickr now.
People live in these. I'm having trouble comprehending that degree of poverty.
I uploaded some other pics with picasa and they ran away. So here's a different one straight off flickr. The obligatory African elephant.
Janet's still hosting and this week her theme is "love". Ha, this week I'm in love with Robert Smith! You never guessed that did ya?
(PS. Thanks to the person whose photo I just swiped.)
The Corellas have started destroying the street lights around here. They hang upside down from them and also, I think, play around with the fasteners. This is one of three lights near the shop that have been damaged in the last week. It's only a small flock that gathers here. I can't imagine what would happen if they gathered in the numbers they do out bush - flocks can be up to 60,000 or more!
For Janet and anyone else who doesn't know The Cure!!
What's on your car?
Melbourne |